Friday, May 24, 2013

McCain Reaffirms Big Government

This bill would have made it clear that states could regulate product ingredient labeling.  John McCain voted against the bill, showing he believes the federal government should be in charge of everything.  This is another example of McCain acting like big government Obama.

Which so-called Republicans voted for a McCain presidency?  It would have been about the same as the Obama presidency - continuing Guantanamo Bay indefinite detention, more wars, more big government.

GMO Labeling Bill Voted Down In Senate
The United States Senate decided again Thursday that it simply does not want to let states tell people whether or not they are eating genetically modified food.

The Senate voted overwhelmingly -- 71 to 27 -- against an amendment to the sweeping farm bill, squashing a measure that would not have required labeling of genetically modified organisms, but merely would have let states decide if they wanted to require such labeling.

The votes are here.