Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Morgan Liddick Forgets About Big-Government Lincoln

In the August 6 2013 Summit Daily News, Morgan Liddick starts with, "Why should there be states? The answer isn’t as simple as one might imagine."  Playing to his big-government readers, Morgan writes about federalism and the progressive takeover of state privileges, "This began with the 17th Amendment and accelerated under Presidents Roosevelt, Johnson and Nixon, reaching a culmination with the current resident of the White House, who shows real enthusiasm for using the federal apparatus against states which challenge his authority."

Unfortunately, Morgan forgot about the celebrated Republican President who started the big-government grab in the 1860s.  President Lincoln suspended constitutionally protect rights in order to force southern states to collect the increased federal import tariffs. 
Along with a declaring martial law, President Abraham Lincoln ordered the suspension of the constitutionally protected right to writs of habeas corpus in 1861 ...
Before Morgan Liddick celebrates Lincoln during the GOP's next Lincoln Day Dinner, he may want to learn about Lincoln's tyranny in The Real Lincoln, by Thomas DiLorenzo.

Friday, May 24, 2013

McCain Reaffirms Big Government

This bill would have made it clear that states could regulate product ingredient labeling.  John McCain voted against the bill, showing he believes the federal government should be in charge of everything.  This is another example of McCain acting like big government Obama.

Which so-called Republicans voted for a McCain presidency?  It would have been about the same as the Obama presidency - continuing Guantanamo Bay indefinite detention, more wars, more big government.

GMO Labeling Bill Voted Down In Senate
The United States Senate decided again Thursday that it simply does not want to let states tell people whether or not they are eating genetically modified food.

The Senate voted overwhelmingly -- 71 to 27 -- against an amendment to the sweeping farm bill, squashing a measure that would not have required labeling of genetically modified organisms, but merely would have let states decide if they wanted to require such labeling.

The votes are here.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Sheriff Minor's Next Target?

Remember when Sheriff John Minor supported a county gun ban?  The ban was going to be noticed by signs on county property.  Criminals, by definition, don't follow laws and ignore signs.  Since Sheriff Minor thinks signs keep people safe, his next sign may read "No Construction Vehicles".  Would that have kept the people in Washington state safe from a criminal with a bulldozer?

Actually, maybe Sheriff Minor will petition the state legislature to require a background check, fingerprints, and yearly fee to possess a bulldozer.  After all, bulldozers can kill people too.  This is not a joke, as it was reported the county gun ban was instituted by request of Sheriff Minor:
The resolution was written and passed at the request of the sheriff's office, but was not drafted in response to any particular incident, commissioners said.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

John Minor, The Sheriff From Vail Resorts

The Denver Post has found that Sheriff John Minor used Vail Resorts' marketing and lawyer's words in a letter that was published in a local newspaper.  The letter was published under the purview of the office of county Sheriff.  While law enforcement should work with local companies, why is law enforcement colluding with companies to manipulate public opinion?  After this show of deception, why should we trust John Minor's word about anything?

Read the article about John Minor's deceptive letter.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

John Minor Hides His Colors

Like a chameleon, Sheriff John Minor is changing his colors.  A couple years ago he supported restricting guns on Summit county government property.

Now Sheriff Minor claims to be against the nanny state, "In today's over-regulated society, we need to ask ourselves if it is really the role of government to intercede on our behalf for every issue that arises.  Shall we become like New York City ..."

Sheriff Minor supported the county gun ban, so he does support New York City's nanny state.

When it comes to upholding his oath of office to support the Constitution, Sheriff Minor says he can't do that, "Some top cops have flat out refused to enforce the new law. Minor says he can't."

Sheriff Minor can and should ignore the unenforceable law, but he won't.  The actions of Sheriff Minor show he doesn't support the Constitution, he supports the policies of big government politicians such as Millie Hamner who voted for the bill that John Minor will support.