Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Nanny-Government Debra Irvine

Debra Irvine does not believe in individual liberties and individual responsibilities.  Debra believes in a big-government nanny state, and she manipulates statistics as talking points.  Debra Irvine will work against the will of the people of the State of Colorado, who passed a medical marijuana initiative over a decade ago.

Her local paper lets Debra Irvine describe how she is a big government liberal:
Irvine cited an increase in the number of school suspensions and expulsions this year because of the use or possession of marijuana. She is concerned Colorado will become a distribution center, because we will be the only state in the nation that will have legalized marijuana.

Note the allegation of an increase, without citing any real statistics.  Her concern about the State becoming a distribution center shows that instead of thinking of the State, she will be thinking about the federal government.  Is she running for state house or is this a stepping stone for her to achieve a bigger throne and bigger crown?