Sunday, November 4, 2012

Guy Pacot Hinders Christianity

Guy Pacot, formerly affiliated with the Summit county Republicans, endorsed Mitt Romney.  Mitt Romney is a cultist who believes women have second status and that humans can achieve the status of God.  Mitt Romney, through his adherence to a cult, has pledged to follow the teachings of the cult first - before the US Constitution.

Guy Pacot is said to be a Christian and member of a Summit county church, "Pacot is a member of Rocky Mountain Bible Church in Frisco and the local Republican Central Committee. "  How does Mr. Pacot endorse a cultist who is not a Christian and who will make an oath of office subservient to his cult leaders?

In the same letter, Guy also endorsed the big government gun grabber Debra Irvine.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Vicki Cook Complains About Her Son Taking Welfare

Vicki Cook didn't complain that her son took welfare from the county, she complained that he was required to show identification!  Of course someone who receives low income aid to the needy should show identification - how else can government easily determine if the person is an illegal alien?

"My son had to show his ID to get a breast pump from the county health nurse. What's wrong here?"
My first thought of what is wrong is that your allegedly conservative family is complaining about taking government welfare.

"This is an impeachable offense, loosing our AAA credit rating and increasing our debt by $5 trillion."
Not only is a debt downgrade not an impeachable offense, CONGRESS is responsible for spending bills.

Vicki Cook is a Romneyite Mormon who apparently will vote for the gun-grabbing liberal Willard Mitt Romney.  Read her entire rant here.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Debra Irvine Will Not Cut Spending

Debra Irvine is registered as a Republican, but she talks like a liberal Democrat.  Debra's quotes about how she will support big government.

  Debra Irvine believes in an overbearing nanny state:
We need to defend reasonable regulations ...

  Conservatives who would like a tax cut will need to pay for the cut through reduced spending.  That won't be happening with Debra Irvine, because Debra Irvine believes in big budgets and big government spending:
... asked where she's prepared to take an ax to the state budget if elected, her answer is simple: she'd rather not. 

  Debra also thinks the government should tax everyone to pay for advertising.  Why not allow those companies who need advertising to do their own advertising?  Government-funded advertising, as promoted by Debra Irvine, is a subsidy to favored industries:
She said she would be a strong advocate for tourism in Denver ...

  There are plenty of choices on the ballot for big-government spenders.  Conservative Republicans should take a pass over big-government Debra Irvine.

Nanny-Government Debra Irvine

Debra Irvine does not believe in individual liberties and individual responsibilities.  Debra believes in a big-government nanny state, and she manipulates statistics as talking points.  Debra Irvine will work against the will of the people of the State of Colorado, who passed a medical marijuana initiative over a decade ago.

Her local paper lets Debra Irvine describe how she is a big government liberal:
Irvine cited an increase in the number of school suspensions and expulsions this year because of the use or possession of marijuana. She is concerned Colorado will become a distribution center, because we will be the only state in the nation that will have legalized marijuana.

Note the allegation of an increase, without citing any real statistics.  Her concern about the State becoming a distribution center shows that instead of thinking of the State, she will be thinking about the federal government.  Is she running for state house or is this a stepping stone for her to achieve a bigger throne and bigger crown?

Friday, September 14, 2012

Elizabeth Wickert Is Not Conservative

Elizabeth Wickert is an immigrant who is registered as a Republican.  She is the secretary of the Summit County GOP.

She wrote a letter to the local newspaper in which she implied support for baby killing:
"Women in the Republican Party represent both ‘pro-choice' and ‘pro-life' positions..."

A Democrat called out Ms. Wickert for being a hypocrite, and closed the letter with, "This is why the Hard Right in this country must be defeated."

First she implies support for baby killing, then she motivates a Democrat to write a letter to the newspaper, and the letter includes a call to arms "must be defeated".  Way to go Ms. Wickert on activating your opposition. Or maybe the Democrats aren't really your opposition because you are a big-government liberal who is registered Republican because you support endless foreign intervention and killing.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Morgan Liddick Advocates For Less Competition

Morgan Liddick is registered as a Republican in Summit County, Colorado.  Morgan is a big-government war-monger who is part of the welfare class (he takes a government pension).  Morgan consistently supports war and big government.

In a recent article in a local newspaper, Morgan Liddick misrepresents history and advocates for the status quo.

In the mid-1970s, we had either a preview of coming attractions or a reprise of 1929 — or maybe, both. In question were the relatively new banking institutions known as credit unions – sometimes referred to as “savings and loans,” ...

Nobody confused S&Ls with credit unions.  They are different and were regulated differently.  There were large regulatory failures and fraud that led to the S&L crisis.  Many of the S&L chiefs that committed fraud were indicted, convicted, and served prison time.  The 2008 bankster bailouts have led to few prosecutions and the chiefs continuing to cash in big bonuses, at taxpayer expense.

Colorado's very own Senator Mark Udall has been working to lift federal limits on the amount credit unions can loan to business, in the teeth of past experience.

Allowing credit unions to make commercial loans will provide additional competition for the banks.  Credit unions have different regulators and insurance programs than banks.  The credit union regulators will provide guidelines and oversight.  Competition is good, so this bill is useful.

The real issue is allowing financial institutions that are not part of the Federal Reserve System to compete against the banks.  Banks, and their Federal Reserve regulator, don't want competition.  By advocating against this bill, Morgan Liddick is advocating for less competition and a continuance of the rip-off by the private cartel Federal Reserve.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Another Silverthorne Liberal

Bob Mayerle is a registered Republican who is really a big-government liberal.  Bob does not support private property rights, and has twice wrote letters to a local paper supporting government seizure of land for recreational purposes.

Big government Bob Mayerle wrote on July 27:
... the town has spent excessive money on lawyer fees, lost a large grant to complete the recpath, and has spent a lot of time on meetings to try and work with these property owners. I think the last recourse for the town is to initiate eminent domain proceedings and be allowed to purchase (at fair market value) extended easement rights.

On August 13, Bob wrote:
If the judge rules in favor of the town, the landowner gets fair market value for their property.  In this case, nothing is taken away from the landowner.

Born 1950
(970) 468-6906

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Silverthorne Liberals

More Republicans In Name Only have exposed themselves in Silverthorne, Colorado.  While these people are registered as Republican, they actively work for big-government takeover of private property.

Brian Wray's letter to a local newspaper:
No one values personal property rights more than me. I also dislike hearing the words “eminent domain.” However, ...

Brian Wray claims to believe in property rights, and qualifies it with HOWEVER.  Therefore, Brian Wray really believes in taking private property.
Born 1954
Phone 970-468-0820   

Home address
SILVERTHORNE, CO 80498       

Mailing address
PO BOX 642           
DILLON, CO 80435

Charlie Gardner claims "reluctant" support of eminent domain.  A person either supports eminent domain (forceful taking of private property) or they support private property rights.  Charlie wrote a letter to a local newspaper:
... property owners who have been obstructing the the town from completing this segment of the BRT. (Blue River Trail)  ... reluctantly supported the use of eminent domain to complete this segment of the BRT when the property owners left them with no other choice.
Born 1953

Home address

Mailing address
PO BOX 24160

Friday, August 10, 2012

GOP Chairman Supports Illegal Amnesty

Ryan Call, chair of the Colorado GOP, supports using taxpayer dollars to subsidize college tuition for illegal aliens.  Ryan Call does not believe in the rule of law, even though he is an attorney.

GOP chairman ‘disappointed’ party killed undocumented tuition bill

Colorado GOP Chairman Ryan Call ... told FOX31 Denver Friday that he’s disappointed that House Republicans this week killed a measure that would have made college more affordable for undocumented students who qualify.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Silverthorne Liberal

David Preaus wrote a letter to a local newspaper in which he and his wife Susan describe their support for big-government seizure of private property:
The town is attempting to allow citizens on bicycles, strollers and wheelchairs to access this section of the Blue River Trail ... This trail has clearly been an objective and part of the master plan for over 20 years, and eminent domain is the last option that the town has in order to meet the needs of the community as a whole.

This is not a safety issue or issue of blight redevelopment.  This is a recreational issue and David and Susan Preaus support government forcibly taking private property for recreational use.

Born 1969
Phone (970) 389-8881

Home address:

Mailing address:
PO BOX 25194

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Sheriff John Minor Is A Coward

Sheriff Minor frequently dresses up with the "tough guy" image by displaying a big Sheriff's badge, a gun, and even handcuffs on the back of his belt.

When it comes to transparency, Sheriff Minor had the Summit County Government remove his residential ownership information from the internet.  If Sheriff Minor is scared of something, should he tell other residents of the big threats?  Or does Sheriff Minor believe he is part of a protected class?

Anyone can walk into the Summit County Government offices and look up the information.

Big Government Russ Camp

Russ Camp is a big-government liberal who believes government should use eminent domain to take land for a recreation path.  Not for health and human safety, but for recreation.  Not only does Russ Camp support abortion, he supports government seizure of private property.  Russ Camp is not a conservative.

Russ and Judy Camp: Vote ‘no' on Silverthorne ballot question
Russ and Judy Camp

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Sheriff Minor Hates Rights (but claims to love guns)

Did Sheriff Minor flip-flop and suddenly become a gun advocate?  Or did he tell a whopper of a lie to the local newspaper?

I believe in the rights of self-defense; A person's home is their castle, and they have a right to defend it,” he said. “We don't need more laws, we just need to enforce the ones we have.

If we don't need more laws, why did Sheriff Minor advocate for a county rule that outlawed possession of  any dangerous weapon (gun, knife, stick, etc.)?  Sheriff Minor is an example of a typical big-government Republican.  Sheriff Minor believes in gun restrictions and acts to restrict guns, while talking like he is a gun supporter.