Following in Bob Beauprez's footsteps, vice-chair of the Summit county Republican party and recent loser for a spot on Breckenridge's town council, Eric C. Buck has taken a stand against marijuana and against the will of the voters.
In fact, Eric Buck hilariously wrote that town council should ignore the will of the voters! From Eric's letter to the editor: "Instead of taking a stand in the best interest of Breckenridge, council has decided (kind of) to defer to the whim of the voting public."
In the real world (outside of elitist Republicans), voters can do what they want within the bounds of property rights and the Constitution. Eric Buck thinks he knows better than Breckenridge voters (who decriminalized marijuana possession years before it was done at the State level) and thinks Socialistic dictates should be handed down.
Bob Beauprez and Eric Buck are Republican party insiders who are desperately flailing to keep control of their shrinking base of supporters.
Eric Buck claims to sell real estate for a living, yet doesn't respect property rights. Eric's letter to the editor goes on to suggest ignoring property rights and, "Ban any shops on Main Street ...".
Socialist Eric Buck: