Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Morgan Liddick Forgets About Big-Government Lincoln

In the August 6 2013 Summit Daily News, Morgan Liddick starts with, "Why should there be states? The answer isn’t as simple as one might imagine."  Playing to his big-government readers, Morgan writes about federalism and the progressive takeover of state privileges, "This began with the 17th Amendment and accelerated under Presidents Roosevelt, Johnson and Nixon, reaching a culmination with the current resident of the White House, who shows real enthusiasm for using the federal apparatus against states which challenge his authority."

Unfortunately, Morgan forgot about the celebrated Republican President who started the big-government grab in the 1860s.  President Lincoln suspended constitutionally protect rights in order to force southern states to collect the increased federal import tariffs. 
Along with a declaring martial law, President Abraham Lincoln ordered the suspension of the constitutionally protected right to writs of habeas corpus in 1861 ...
Before Morgan Liddick celebrates Lincoln during the GOP's next Lincoln Day Dinner, he may want to learn about Lincoln's tyranny in The Real Lincoln, by Thomas DiLorenzo.