Monday, December 5, 2011

Mark Hurlbert Is Against State's Rights

The 10th amendment to the federal constitution means: powers not specifically assigned to the federal government are reserved to the states and the people.  Some call this "State's rights", though states don't really have rights - they have privileges.

Rights come from God to each person individually.  The people allow the states to govern and the people and the states allow the federal government to have a limited role in governance (war, treaties, currency).

District Attorney Mark Hurlbert thinks the federal government is the authority.  In reality, Mark Hurlbert's understanding is upside updown:
Is this a business the citizens want to encourage when it is still a violation of federal law?
Socialism fails (East Germany, Soviet Union, Vietnam, North Korea, ...).  Just like the big-government liberals who believe in the all-encompassing power of government, Mark Hurlbert is a big-government apologist.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Socialist Peggy Long

Peggy Long believes that many people acting together (under the cover) can take a person's property.  Peggy Long believes in the power and force of big government.  She believes that if it serves a greater good of other people, even a recreation path through private property, then government should take from the few to provide to the many.  That is socialism.

Peggy Long spoke in favor of government's use of eminent domain to take private property to be used as a public recreation path.
The recreational path systems in this county are a major tourist amenity,” resident and former councilmember Peggy Long said. “These trails attract and provide enjoyment to thousands of visitors and residents. The dollars spent have been fully recouped for the investments that have been made.

While Peggy is registered to vote as a Republican, she acts like a liberal Democrat.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Sheriff Minor Misunderstands Rights

Sheriff Minor recently agreed to support the ban on defensive weapons at county facilities, which demonstrates that Sheriff Minor does not understand the 2nd amendment to the Constitution.

Today Sheriff Minor endorsed the current big-government liberal District Attorney.  The surprise is the endorsement letter shows Sheriff Minor is illiterate or purposefully blind.  From the endorsement, Sheriff Minor wrote this run-on sentence, "The district attorney's office is unique, they protect the Constitutional rights of all they serve, they help protect our community and keep it safe, while at the same time insuring the rights of our victims are met or exceeded."

This part of Sheriff Minor's letter is interesting in that it highlights Sheriff Minor's misunderstanding of rights, "insuring the rights of our victims are met or exceeded."

A person has rights.  A victim is a person who has had their rights violated.  Once a person's rights are violated, it can't be undone even by a District Attorney.  Implying the DA could undo the harm to restore or "exceed" the rights is ridiculous.

Not only is Sheriff Minor illiterate and foolishly wrote a ridiculous endorsement letter claiming a DA can restore or "exceed" rights to a victim, Sheriff Minor is still pursuing the outlawing of defensive weapons by regular people.

It is time two big-government liberals, DA Mark Hurlbert and Sheriff Minor, find new jobs.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Sheriff John Minor Creates Victims

Sheriff John Minor is another big government liberal (who is registered Republican).  Sheriff Minor supported outlawing defensive weapons at county facilities.

Since defensive weapons save lives and criminals ignore gun control laws, Sheriff Minor will be creating victims.

Big government liberal gun grabber John Minor:

Frank McNulty Hates Term Limits

Speaker of the Colorado House of Representatives, Frank McNulty supports removing term limits.  The people of Colorado put term limits in place, and those in power continue to advocate for removal of term limits.

Question: Who benefits?
Answer: Career politicians.

The current Douglas County Sheriff, David A. Weaver is term-limited.  In 2010, Sheriff David A. Weaver supported big government by advocating against the tax limit propositions that were on the ballot.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Ali Hasan Campaign Tote Bags

Did you get your tote bags from big government Ali Hasan?  Ali's family paid people to walk visit many, maybe nearly every, door in the counties and leave literature.  There were also the radio ads and phone calls from his campaign.

More Ali Hasan campaign collectibles.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Ali Hasan Campaign Literature

A campaign sticker and card from one of Ali Hasan's campaigns. This was when Ali Hasan was a fake conservative. Since then, Ali Hasan has admitted he is a big-government liberal.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

From Tea Party To Massachusetts Obama Care

While Governor of Massachusetts, Mitt Romney implemented what became the model for Obama care.

Jason Chaffetz claimed to adhere to Tea Party principals. Now Jason Chaffetz is helping raise money for Mitt Romney, the person responsible for socialized medicine in Massachusetts.

Jason Chaffetz clearly believes in people such as big-government socialized medicine Mitt Romney.

Mitt Romney raised $10.25 million Monday at a daylong fundraiser in the early voting state of Nevada with the help of Rep. Jason Chaffetz and other Utahns.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Morgan Liddick Wants More Reckless Lending

In this opinion piece, Morgan Liddick points fingers at the Democrats and advocates for a loosening of bank lending standards to match the reckless lending of the early 2000s.

From Morgan Liddick's schizophrenic article "Financial daydreaming"
... the lending slowdown can be traced to higher capital requirements stipulated by the new consumer financial protection bureau, brought to us by — among others our old friends Sen. Chris Dodd and Rep. Barney Frank.

Loose capital requirements allowed firms like Lehman Brothers to recklessly borrow and lend, ultimately at taxpayer expense. Though they were a decade late, at least the Democrats Dodd and Frank have begun to restrict the reckless behavior of financial firms.
Apparently Morgan likes Wall St. bankers more than Main St. business who will bail out the bankers when the bankers fail. Higher capital ratios lead to less failures, thus less bailouts on the backs of those working on Main St.

Demanding higher cash reserves and more stringent standards is a fine political pose, but it will lead to less lending ...

Of course it will lead to less lending, Morgan. The prior era of reckless lending failed. Why does Morgan Liddick advocate for the failed policy of reckless lending backstopped by the taxpayers on Main St.?

Notwithstanding calculations showing a loan is low risk with high probability of positive impact to ongoing business, it will not be made ...

That is an opinion unsubstantiated by facts. The problem is debt saturation - businesses and people generally don't want more debt.

Growth is anemic, business lending is down.

This is the logical result of a credit expansion that went too far.

They're perfectly willing to smash the system in order to save it ...

The damage was inflicted a decade ago. We are suffering the results of the failed policy of loose lending and excessive risk taking by the banks.

Morgan Liddick is advocating for a cure that is made from the poison that caused the problems. Either Morgan Liddick is schizophrenic, or he just loves to argue with himself and point fingers.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Neo-cons Are Okay

Morgan Liddick supports neo-cons - big government thinking of continuous wars.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Democrat Ali Hassan Is Bush Lover

Ali Hassan has changed registration from Republican to Democrat. He wrote a long-winded rambling letter to his local newspaper about why he is leaving the GOP.

How does this fit with defending every Bush-era policy including illegal detention and torture? Maybe Ali sees Obama following the Bush-era policies, and thinks he should follow along and support Obama.

From America, Defending Muslims by Ali Hassan
More importantly though, our own American courts have asked that our detainees in Guantanamo Bay and other detention centers be given trials immediately, and the Bush administration has complied in facilitating such tribunals to take place soon.