Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Mike Dudick

Mike Dudick is a real estate developer who will financially benefit from the increased tourism marketing dollars.
“In Breckenridge we said, we're going to make an investment in our community,” Town Councilman Mike Dudick said Tuesday. “There're all these people that got behind this. I couldn't be prouder of my town than I am tonight.”

Mike previously wrote a lettor the editor of the local newspaper in which he encourages higher taxes:
I'm Mike Dudick and I'm a conservative. ... 2D is a must yes vote.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Tom Long

Tom Long is a former Summit county commissioner. Tom and his wife Peggy attend Republican functions, are NRA members, and believe in big government with big taxation.

In this letter to the local newspaper, Tom Long encourages voting against tax cuts.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Ali Hassan & Debra Irvine

Ali Hassan, a big-government neocon, endorses Debra Irvine. Ali Hasan specifically mentions Debra Irvine's past history of endorsing tax increases.

Debra penned a letter with Sandy Briggs, Chair of the Summit County Democrats, in addressing the issue of Summit Measure 1A.

The Summit County Democratic and Republican Parties have united in support of Summit County Measure 1A, which will appear on the November ballot.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Romney Mandates Health Care In Massachusetts

A letter writer refreshes our memory on big-government Romney who began some socialized medicine in Massachusetts.
Governor Romney, a millionaire, who signed the bill into law, declared in that law everyone who made $15,600 a year gross income to be rich enough to buy insurance or pay up to a $229 penalty.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Silverthorne Town Council

Colorado ballot initiatives 60, 61, and 101 will shrink the size of government. Big-government "Republicans" are working against the ballot initiatives.

The Silverthorne Town Council accepted a resolution in opposition to the three statewide ballot issues known as Proposition 101 and Amendments 60 and 61 during its meeting last week. Acceptance was unanimous by those present.

Council Members
Name Phone E-Mail
Dave Koop, Mayor 970-468-6699
Dave Anderson 970-262-6988
Bruce Butler 970-468-5057
Vincent T. Lanuza, Mayor Pro-Tem 970-468-1912
David Preaus 970-389-8881
Ann-Marie Sandquist 970-468-4881
Darrick Wade 970-468-8118

Friday, September 24, 2010

Lindsay Backas

Lindsay Backas is registered Republican and is a candidate running for the assessor job. Lindsay is in favor of higher taxes.

Mayor Lindsay Backas, a Republican running for Summit County Assessor, supports the three taxes.
Mayor Lindsay Backas, a Republican running for Summit County Assessor, supports the three taxes.
“This is a matter of survival for the town,” she said, adding that it will make Blue River similar to other local towns in terms of taxes collected.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Liddick Will Not Limit Taxes

Another big government liberal who is registered Republican, Morgan Liddick opposes limiting taxes.  Instead of directly saying he is for the status-quo, he write about peripheral issues related to the ballot initiatives.

A real conservative wrote a letter to the editor in response to Liddick's big government prose:
"Liddick raised no valid criticism. Having read (unlike Liddick), I'm voting YES on all three — 60, 61 and 101."

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Hassan & McInnis

Ali Hassan ran for state treasurer, and had a middling performance at the GOP state convention. Ali didn't qualify to be on the ballot.

It was an unknown of why Ali thought, with no work experience, he could be a legitimate candidate for treasurer of a state. It appears the Hassan's have been pushing so much money to so many connected politicians that they are unable to objectively view reality.

Hassan gave $300,000 to former federal Congressman McInnis for McInnis to write position papers. It is now being reported that McInnis plagiarized the position papers along with many of his speeches in Congress.
The Hasan Family Foundation paid Republican gubernatorial candidate Scott McInnis $300,000 to write about water issues and now wants the money back amid accusations of plagiarism.